At Grace Pointe We Believe in the Great Commission

Going forth & making disciples of the nations is a call to live & love others like Christ, and also encourage and teach them to do the same. Although the general instruction is the same for all, the details differ from person to person. "For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them."
Romans 12:4-6
Here are Some of the Missions & Ministries We Support
The Tabernacle Movement
Sometime ago, two members of our church were called overseas to the Middle East. Their divine calling includes sharing the Gospel to unreached people groups inside the 10/40 window, supporting the local churches and their ministries, running a discipleship training school, humanitarian efforts, and helping to bring about the Isaiah 19 highway; and they do all this with three little ones! Currently, this dedicated family is heading back stateside for a season and their website is down for maintenance, but if you'd like more information or desire to support them, please reach out to Grace Pointe: here.  
JIE Testimonies
Micah & Kasandra Howard are the founders of JIE (Jesus is Enough) Testimonies on YouTube; which is one of the many projects run by the My Ashleah Foundation. JIE Testimonies records people's testimonies of God's love and all sufficient grace in hopes that these stories will reach across the globe, or even just down the street, to those who need hear about Jesus. If you're interested in what they are doing, want to volunteer your testimony, or want to help in other ways, please click one of the links above.    
Christ Forged Ministry
Recently, God called another one of our members overseas, to the Netherlands, to work as a counter trafficking & sex-work liberation missionary. As a volunteer she will be walking alongside a local ministry doing outreach in the red light districts, praying with and ministering to sex-workers and any whom God leads them to. There are roughly 20 - 31,000 sex-workers in the Netherlands alone, with approx. 20-30% being trafficking victims. It is her calling to aid these individuals out of exploitation and into a life of freedom with Christ. If you're curious about the Christ Forged Mission or desire to support the ministry, click here.  
Pregnancy Resource Center
Type your new text here.
Celebrate Recovery, Portales
We don't mind supporting our fellow churches either! In fact, we love what First Baptist Church, here in Portales NM, has been doing for years. They run a powerful Celebrate Recovery support group on Wednesdays at their Fellowship Hall. If you or a loved one struggles with addiction, substance abuse, past traumas, unforgiveness, or just following Christ the way He's called us to, Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find support and encouragement. If you have any questions, please reach out on their page, which is linked above.